
A guided care circle for group somatic
practice and creative connection.

Tending to Our Bodies, Rhythms and Capacities

Guided Creative Practice & Facilitation

Each month we will explore evocative themes, held by a weekly format to offer gentle support to help cultivate interconnected roots, rhythm and ritual.

  • Week 1 - We Create (group practice)
    Facilitated virtual studio practice for intuitive Alchemy Collage and heart-centered creativity

  • Week 2 - We Care
    Prompts, actions and resources to explore more interconnected belonging and care

  • Week 3 - We Connect (group practice)
    Group somatic practice on each monthly theme through the 5 Bodies Framework

  • Week 4 - We Tend Together
    Rituals for rest, reflection and integration

How we will practice…

  • Live virtual sessions will happen on Zoom and Mighty Networks (studio sessions will be recorded, but 5 Bodies practice will not for privacy reasons)

  • Private community chat and feed for weekly prompts, sharing and connecting on Mighty Networks

  • Create your own Co-create Journal, sacred space to hold our themes, prompts and creative practices

  • Each month on the full moon, your Co-create care package will be delivered to your inbox, with an outline of live session dates, practices and prompts.

    Join for a month or the full year… beginning on the full moon, September 17, 2024

Monthly Themes

We explore the same themes, year after year, as a way to honor and integrate change.

September - Surrender and letting go
October - Magic, into the mystery
November - Gather, collective abundance
December - Joy, holding shadow and light
January - Sacred rhythm and ritual
February - Love and radical relationship
March - Wildness, wonder and awe
April - Rooted, longing and lineage
May - Stories, weaving us together
June - Desire, deep listening
July - Trust, we all already belong
August - Rest, allow yourself to be held

This circle is for you if…

  • you are creatively oriented in the world in any way - no art experience is necessary!

  • you wish to deepen critical thought and practices around interconnection and collective belonging, prioritizing self care while centering collective care.

  • you seek smaller circles that tend relational ways of being and integration - not just a focus on growth and productivity.

  • You wish to honor your ever-changing capacity with compassion and care - this circle is meant to meet you wherever you are.

  • you’d like gentle guidance and encouragement around your unique creative expression and process.

  • you are cultivating a life-long relationship with transformative, liberatory care: cultural, personal and interpersonal.

”My humanity is bound up in yours. We can only be human together.”

~ Desmond Tutu